Alexandrium Catenella, Marsha Borden, 2023  33” x 38”, yarn
  Prorocentrum Minimum and Pseudo Nitzchia, Marsha Borden, 2023  27” x 40”, yarn
  Aureococcus anophagefferens , Marsha Borden, 2023  33” x 37”, yarn
  Exhibition View, Alexey von Schippe Gallery of Art, University of Connecticut, Avery Point  November 9, 2023
  Exhibition View, Alexey von Schippe Gallery of Art, University of Connecticut, Avery Point  November 9, 2023
  Exhibition View, Alexey von Schippe Gallery of Art, University of Connecticut, Avery Point  November 9, 2023
  Exhibition View, Alexey von Schippe Gallery of Art, University of Connecticut, Avery Point  November 9, 2023
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